NEW! The Triple Shock Photo Gallery Triple Shock -- Hull #13 -- was splashed in Summer 1988. Her first owner is unknown. Her current owner is Tom Sturm, and she is slipped at Kentucky Lake, Ill. Yes, you read correctly, Kentucky Lake! Here's Tom's description of how a Condor 40 ended up on a lake, "I bought the boat in Norfolk, & sailed around Miami to Mobile in 10 days without a tack. We removed the mast then motored up the Tenn-Tom to Kentucky Lake." She's also trailerable -- sort of. Tom built a trailer to work on her 'out of the water.' The below photos of Triple Shock on a trailer are something to behold! Here's a description of how the trailer works, "The trailer has hydraulic cylinders front & rear, which lets me lower it onto stands under the crossbeams. Then I can move the trailer out of the way. I built the trailer from odds & ends I had, so it is not pretty, but it works very well."

updated January 17, 2007

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Trailer-launching a Condor 40

Notice she's low in the water, Tom explains, "Now for a sad sight: Two years ago late December we had 20" + of very wet snow in Ky. A few tons of it pushed Triple Shock low enough for the water to trickle in under the cockpit floor. My new generator (4 hours on meter) was completely under. I always wondered how low she would ride with the main hull holed."

Copyright © 2003, Michael Kirk
Update January 17, 2007 URL:
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